Designer of the year – Swedish Design Awards by RUM 2022
So happy. So honored. Thank you to the jury and to byRUM ❤
Motivation: With inspiring playfulness, Jenny Nordberg has taken on everything from lamps made of leftover metal to jewelery made of composite office material. With her creative approach to material selection and great artistic integrity, she shows that commercial does not have to mean anonymous or anonymous.Motivering: Med inspirerande lekfullhet har Jenny Nordberg tagit sig an allt från lampor av överbliven metall till smycken av sammansatt kontorsmaterial. Med sin kreativa approach till materialval och stor konstnärlig integritet visar hon att kommersiell inte behöver betyda anonym eller likriktad.
Category Archives: News
The exhibition “Strategies for Moving Freely” opens tomorrow at stockholmmodern.
Preview and book release of the book, also named “Strategies for Movin Freely” tonight at 17-20, Rödbodtorget 2 in Stockholm. Most welcome!The book is published by Nilledition, buy it here.
The exhibition is open from 11/1-8/1, Wednesday-Saturday, 12-17.
Contact: Thomas Ekström at stockholmmodern
- SFMF_SM_JN_2020
18.10.11 Permanent mirror installation at Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
The National Museum in Stockholm opens again at the 12th of October after being closed for five years due to a major renovation. Jenny Nordberg was invited to make a permanent mirror installation for the café and restaurant.
Image by Pia Ulin.
18.03.23 Most Common Element at Obra
Most Common Element opens at Obra the 23rd of March. Most welcome! Yes there will be live welding.
Stora Varvsgatan 12-14
Wed. Thu. Fri. 12.00 –16.00 Saturdays 13.00 –16.30
www.obra.se -
18.01.18 FLUID ADD-ONS at stockholmmodern
FLUID ADD-ONS is Jenny Nordberg’s first solo exhibition in Stockholm. Together with stockholmmodern she is showing a new series of large mirrors, big candle holders in cast glass and a new experiment with pewter mirrors. Nordberg’s practice is deeply rooted in an exploratory relation to manufacturing processes with a specific interest for two parameters – the uncontrollable and the ultra standardised. These aspects might be seen as two opposites but are for Nordberg closely linked in the way that something or someone other than her is making decisions.
Open 18/1 – 3/3 at stockholmmodern Rödbotorget 2, Stockholm
Jenny Nordberg
- FLUID ADD-ONS_Jenny Nordberg:stockholmmodern 2018
17.10.06 Årets Formbärare 2017
Happy and grateful to be this years Formbärare in Svensk Form Syd.
“Med passion och stor envishet driver Jenny Nordberg formområdet framåt. Hennes engagemang, som har sin bas i en hållbar samhällsutveckling, inspirerar och skapar förutsättningar för andra. Samtidigt är Jenny själv en fenomenal formgivare med konstnärlighet och experimentlusta som utmärkande drag. Vi ser framemot att följa hennes resa!”
Read more here: http://svenskform.se/regionalforeningar/arets-formbarare-2017/
17.02.08 Form Award – Newcomer of the Year!
Jenny Nordberg is awarded “Newcomer of the Year” in the Form Award by Form Magazine for her project Brus done for Källemo.
“Jenny Nordberg is one of Swedish craft’s foremost talents and thus anything but a newcomer. With the project Brus for Källemo, she has taken her artistic credo into a new industrial context. Brus is a beautiful contradiction, an object that is both unique and mass-produced.”
17.01.10 Designer of the Month
Jenny Nordberg is the Designer or the month at Form/Design Center.
In an exhibition at the first floor she’s showing two new projects, Default Plantage and Macro Composite.
Most welcome! -
16.11.18 Tin Plinth at Etage Projects
For The Plinth Project exhibition (18/11-16-21/1-17) at Etage Projects Jenny Nordberg created the Tin Plinth with the cubical geometry of the classical gallery plinth in mind. The material in the plinth however – tin, is maybe less classical. Often working with the tension between the hand made and the machine made Nordberg wanted to explore the production of a sheet material that could be used to create a plinth. To do this she used the limitations of a studio environment as her framework, and developed a method to make sheet metal by casting tin in large molds. The outcome is an uneven and rough, almost brutal expression. The plinth and a small table are the first objects within a coming series of several industrial processes adapted for studio production.
Press images. -
16.09.07 London Design Biennale
Today is the opening day of the fist edition of the London Design Beinnale. Jenny Nordberg is the curator of the Swedish installation called “Welcome to Weden”. The concept is about closer and more equal collaborations between designer and manufacturers, making room for the artistic process with in production again. It’s also about a new business model where the designer and manufacturer share both costs and profit 50/50. Read the full introduction here, Swedish or English.